Fat clots in blood vessels
fat clots in blood vessels Treatment with Chinese herbal medicines
There is no such thing as high blood cholesterol. in ancient Chinese medicine textbooks If you come to check with a traditional Chinese medicine doctor Saying that there is hyperlipidemia is a diagnosis from a modern blood test. Chinese medicine focuses on balancing internal organ function and improving blood circulation. Vitality and body fluids not to be stuck Sometimes sputum, moisture, liver and spleen imbalances are mentioned. need to expel moist sputum stimulate blood circulation no leftover food including eating behavior and changing habits lifestyle behavior
Causes of hypercholesterolemia in traditional Chinese medicine perspective
1. Diet and lifestyle eating habits, overwork, lack of rest emotional stress causing the functioning of internal organs to fluctuate sputum, moisture and blood clots Foods that are prone to mucus, moisture and congestion of blood. It is meat, sweet, oily food, sticky, difficult to digest.
2. The work of internal organs is out of balance. The main organs involved are the liver, spleen, and kidneys.
– The liver power is obstructed, causing the blood flow to be inconsistent. The energy mechanism in the central channel (San Jiao) that acts as a pathway for water and fluid throughout the body was also obstructed.
– Digestive and transport system (spleen) is less efficient. become residual moisture
– Kidney directs water if kidney power is weak. poor drainage less heat in the body low metabolism (similar to hypothyroidism)
Residual moisture in the body On the other hand, in cases of renal impairment (heating and drying in the cells of the body) can also cause sputum and blood to thicken.
In conclusion, hypercholesterolemia in traditional Chinese medicine is mucus, dampness, blood clots
Caused by deficiencies in internal organs such as spleen depletion of sputum moisture. There is a blood clot from the power of the liver. hearing loss, sputum, blood clots Kidney yang deficiency make food liquid residue sputum moisture
The treatment principle is to diffuse the obstructive liver power and strengthen the spleen to normalize digestion and absorption. “活血、健脾、化痰”and also consider Balancing the yin or kidney yang
Examples of Chinese herbs to reduce hypercholesterolemia
1. Red yeast rice
It is a rice that has been fermented using Monascus purpureus. It is a folk wisdom in fermenting rice for use in food coloring and is recorded in Chinese herbal medicine recipes. From the Tang Dynasty (800 AD)
Red yeast rice is a slightly warm, sweet, non-toxic herb (味甘,性微温, 无毒).
Run the meridian, spleen, colon, liver (归脾、大肠、肝经)
Properties Stimulate blood circulation. dissolving blood clots strengthen the spleen to aid digestion Cure twisted blood transfusion After giving birth, the saliva does not stop. Heal injuries from being beaten (活血化瘀;健脾消食;;产后恶露不尽;跌打损伤)
In 1970, Professor Endo, a Japanese, discovered monacolin K from red yeast rice fermentation as an important substance. Monacolin K is useful to people who have hyperlipidemia
2. Alata seeds (决明子)
The effect is cool, bitter and sweet.
Liver meridian, kidney, colon
Properties: Expel heat, brighten the eyes, nourish the kidneys, help drain the stool. Relieve red eyes, headache, dizziness, constipation, reduce blood fat.
3. Sanja (山楂)
The effect is warm, sour, sweet (酸、甘,微温).
Spleen, stomach, liver meridian (归脾、胃、肝经)
Properties help digestion strengthening the spleen, stimulating the appetite stimulate the flow of energy dissolving blood clots (消食化积,,)
4. Ginseng Sanchi (三七)
Sanchi Ginseng (三七) contains Saponin that helps dissolve fat deposits in the walls of blood vessels. Helps prevent blood clots from forming stimulate blood circulation Prevents heart and brain ischemia strengthening resistance to hypoxia
It is a medicinal plant belonging to the family “Soma people”. Sanchi in Chinese means “three seven” is a perennial plant. Each tree had 3 branches, and each branch had 7 leaves, so it was named three seven.
Properties of ginseng sanchee 三七
1. Help prevent ischemic heart disease symptoms. The capillaries that supply the brain are constricted, causing brain death. Which causes paralysis, paralysis due to ginseng Sanchi contains saponin, a substance that bubbles like soap. Has the ability to help dissolve fat that sticks in the blood vessels. Help prevent the adhesion of fat in the walls of blood vessels.
2. Help reduce cholesterol levels triglycerides excess body fat And there are research reports on trilinolein acid. (Trilinolein) contained in ginseng Sanchi. That helps enhance the properties of saponins in the removal of fat from the blood effectively.
3. It can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the liver of rats. One of the saponins contained in ginseng Sanchi. Panacidol was able to reduce and inhibit the rapid proliferation of rat brain tumor cells.
4. Increase the amount of oxygen per body’s brain cells. including increasing the biochemical electric charge Because ginseng has Mineral Germanium (Trace Element Germanium), which is beneficial to the nervous system and heart function. in a condition of lack of oxygen
5. Enhances the efficiency of the immune system within the body. Helps strengthen immunity against pathogens
6. Help the body to use oxygen more efficiently. increase the performance of the body and help maintain a healthy body in daily life Ginseng sanchee herb is used as food and eaten to help strengthen the body. The Chinese are therefore popular to cook food, such as stewed or boiled with meat.
7. Ginseng Sanchi has properties to help build blood and stop bleeding. and restore the blood by dissolving the dangers in the blood Relieve inflammation and relieve pain It is an important component of the instant Chinese medicine, Yunnan white medicine (云南白药).
8. Sanchee Ginseng Herbs Used to eat in small quantities. for the effect of nourishing the body and eliminating Toxin from the blood as well as to strengthen the immune system of the body.
9. Sanchi ginseng can help prevent various symptoms of heart and blood disease. adjust blood pressure
receive the breath of the body Balancing all systems in the body to be normal clean the blood system Helps create essential amino acids for the body and help stop the flow of blood and bleeding from the stomach
Fat clots in the veins, treatment
The rate of the procedure is 1 time, the duration is 30 minutes.
1 time 650 baht
5 times 2,990 baht
10 times 5,490 baht