Color from glass cover

Cupping is another way to treat pain. Traditional Chinese medicine uses glass fire to expel the air. and then cover it on the skin in the area where there is pain and stiffness
– The glass will stick firmly and pull on the skin, muscles, blood vessels, the suction force from the vacuum in the glass. Will cause blood to congestion in the area of the glass that is covered. causing the stimulation of the circulatory system
– After the glass cover is finished On the skin that is touched by the glass cover, a bruising circle will appear. which will have different colors
– And what about these different colored marks? can tell what the symptoms are The darker the purple color, the more it indicates that the area has more circulatory disruption and pain than the other areas.
– But don’t worry. It can be bruised, it can be healed!! The bruises arising from the cupping will gradually fade in 7-14 days, along with various jamming symptoms. will feel lighter